Monday, January 19, 2015

And the Cat Came Back!

So as you know a week ago I had a plan.  It was not a plan I was in favour of, but a plan that I thought needed to happen.  I spent Jan 11, 2015 loving up Syd, telling her how much she meant to me, the impact she had on my life and frankly bawling my eyes out.  That night I made couch cushion bed on the floor of the kitchen and slept beside her.  What  pair we made- she was too weak to move and I was too uncomfortable to sleep.  I could have slept elsewhere but we had spent pretty much every night for the last 18 years together and I did not want her to be alone on her last night on earth.

At one point in time she commando crawled over to the cushion and snuggled with me, but my fits of sobbing and frequent nose blowing irritated her, so she moved back to her restful spot in front of the register.

Bill and Syd canoodling during healthy times
Around 3:30 am I looked over to see Bill curled up with Syd.  It brought a smile to my face and more
tears to my eyes.  I was so grateful that they had a chance to say good-bye.

As each hour passed I was more sure of my decision.  To keep her alive would only be for me, she was obviously in pain.  I awoke at 6:30 am to find Syd missing......

What the HELL!  Where could she have gone? An hour ago she could barely move.  Did she disintegrate or find a portal of some kind?  I searched high and low and finally found her in the basement.  Not only had she walked, she did stairs.

My resolution to follow through with the plan started to wane.  Was this the right decision?  I had two hours before I could phone the vet.  Two hours of waffling back and forth, making pro and con lists in my head-  "Do I or don't I?"

I was able to secure a 10:15 appointment.  My To Do List looked something like this:

  • Phone crematorium.
  • Go to vet.
  • Get the deed done.
  • Complete paper work.
  • Go home and bawl.
  • Pull self together.
  • Go to work.
I managed to get the first two items completed.  That is when the vet said these words "Why would you put her down?  Her heart is good.  She is eating.  She is drinking and she is voiding. I can't see any reason to put her down now."  He also reported that he palpated a mass on her kidney or spleen but that could be something minor.  

Syd at the height of weakness

This was the reaction in my head-

"PARDON!!!!!!  This was not in the plan!  I agonized over the plan.  I tortured myself coming up with the plan.  The plan has been set in motion and now you are telling me that she is okay!  Inconceivable!"

The plan was then quickly modified to the following:
  • Blood work
  • Home with the cat.
  • Shake head
  • Wait.
  • Wait some more.
  • Shake my head some more.
  • Call the vet.
  • Confirmation that the main issue was low potassium.
  • Return to vet for potassium supplements and new Senior food.
  • Go to work.
Monty Python's "Bring Out Your Dead" was all I could think about as I waited to hear back from the vet..... "But I'm not dead yet!"  "Honestly I am feeling much better!!!".

Each day, post-vet, Syd has become a little stronger, a little brighter and a whole lot bossier.  The Vet Tech reported Siamese cats tend to be very resilient.  Syd is living proof!
Up and misbehavin' by the end of the week.

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