Sunday, January 2, 2022

Escape from Azkaban

I don't know about you but I am a PotterHead, so much so that I try to figure out which House my pets would be sorted into.   Gimli was full stop a Gryffindor.  Ferg and Whisper are Hufflepuffs... although I humour Ferg and let him think he is Gryffindor.  Bill is 100% a Slytherin and according to Pottermore I am a Ravenclaw.  

Oakley has been hard to figure out.  He has Ravenclaw intelligence, which he loves showcasing in lessons,   figuring out puzzles and finding new and inventive ways to entertain himself.  However, more and more I think he is Slytherin with a waxing Ravenclaw moon..... cunning, determined, ambitious, resourceful and self-preservation would definitely be traits listed on his CV.

Whatcha lookin' at?
Yesterday I headed out to the barn, but given Oakley's interest in both the casters of the new office chair and the new drapes I decided it would be in both our best interests if he spent our time apart in his crate.  So I loaded the crate up with toys, a treat filled Kong and Oakley and headed out to the barn.  

I throughly enjoyed my time chilling with the horses.  Ingrid, Jez and I went for a leisurely stroll through the paddock.  Moon, Elvis and Sola figured they were missing out on something fun and it wasn't long before they took a short cut to catch-up with us.  Little did the EMS Posse know that the plan was just to randomly walk around... it wasn't a walk to the barn for treats/grain action.   Ohh what a bitter pill it must have been for the tag-a-longs when they found out that they followed us for no pay out.  

I'm cute and I know it!

I was all mellow and blissed out on the ride home, which always happens after a trip to the barn.  I arrive at the house and blinked rapidly because I couldn't believe my eyes.  Who was longingly looking out the  window.... not Ferg who was free... but Oakley.  

Prisoner of Azkaban

My brain started doing a rapid fire.....

Wait that can't be him????

Didn't I lock him in the crate?

Yes!  I remember putting him in.

Did I lock the door???? Sure... I remember I tested it twice to make sure it was latched!!!!!

Well that's definitely Oaks.... WTF!

I entered the house filled with trepidation.  What new and heinous swath of destruction had he left for me to find?  The scene must have looked like I was trying to navigate through an active mine field.... me tip toeing through the house,  breath held, rapidly scanning from left to right looking for damage and shrapnel from an Oakley escapade.  

Front Entrance-  Whew!  My only pair of running shoes survived and there was no more damage to the bench he was sitting on.... BONUS!

Hall-  Clear

Kitchen-  Clear

Dining room-  A bunch of toys that are human approved for dog use.

I approached the last two rooms with dread.... what would I find????? 

More of the bottom couch flap removed?

Brand new curtains torn down and destroyed?  

Gouges in the newly plaster walls?

Annihilated casters on the office chair??????  

There was an over the top "Good Boy" celebration when I entered the last room and found out that Oakley's hijinx ended with his escape from his crate.  It turns out that he figured out how to open the side door of the crate.  

Azkaban... Where is a Dementor when you need one?

With my anxiety abated, my brain quickly switched to trying to figure how the escape actually occurred.  Here is what I came up with:

I close the door on the crate and triple check it.   

Oakley thinks to himself- "I'll let her think that the Kong will keep me amused and content to stay in this thing."  Looks over his shoulder.... "Yup, she is buying my performance.... Academy Awards here I come!"

Outside door closes and locks.... Oaks breaks out the Marauder's Map that he has stashed under his cloak of invisibility in the back corner of his crate.  

He barks "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." He checks the map- "Fantastic she is in the vehicle.  She is driving down the street and is  well on her way out of town. Time for me to get to work figuring out how to get of this wire prison."

He approaches the end door with optimism.... looking at the wire frame trying to discern weakest point.  He grasps the wire of the door between his teeth and shakes it up and down.  

"Nothing.... drat!"  He tries again..... Nothing.  On the third attempt he looks up and sees that the handle is latched in such away that when he pushes it up, it catches on the bar above.   

"That cursed woman is through... there will be no escape through this door! I refuse to be stuck in here against my will.  As Professor Snape is my witness she will not win!"

That is when the light bulb appeared over his head.... he recalls that this particular model of crate has two doors one on the side and one at the front.   

"If I can't get out the front maybe the side will work.  It's got to!   I can't spend many more precious minutes cooped up when I could be wandering free like Ferg."

He crosses his paws and looks up... way up.....


The side latch is closed but not in the secure position.   Excited by this discovery, he grasps the wires between his teeth, lifts and shakes but the door does not budge.  He sits back and mentally starts calculating the size and weight of the door vs his chopper strength using an algebraic formula he read about the night before.  He quickly realizes that to be successful he will need a lever to help lift the door, as the brute strength of his jaw alone will not be sufficient.   He quickly looks around and finds a toy that can be jammed through the slot and will allow him to step on the opposite end pushing the door higher.  

"Perfect the door raised up 1/2" now all I need to do is grasp the wires and raise it just 1/8" more".... FREEEEDOM!!!!!!  Oh the sweet nectar that is victory!!!!!!!" 

Meanwhile sitting outside the crate is Hufflepuff Ferg cheering him on.... 

"You got this!!!! The next time it will open!!! Look at you go! 1,000 points to Slytherin!"

Oak takes a deep breath and lets out a victorious howl, turns to the Marauder's Map and barks.... 

"Mischief Managed!!!!!"

This post has been edited and approved by House Hufflepuff.  Oakley wants children to know that math matters and can be very helpful at getting you out of jams so stay in school!

My two fav Hufflepuffs.


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