Monday, October 24, 2016

I Need Some Purple Fuzzy Unicorns..... STAT!

Have you ever had one of those days.... where you wake up relatively ready to conquer the world and then you get to work and by slow and then raging fast increments your confidence in your abilities and your ability to measure up are eroded to the point where you find yourself driving home with tears streaming down your face trying to pull yourself together should you become a spectacle to gawk at stop lights.  One of those days where every fibre of your being is screaming QUITTTTTT!  A day where the thinking part of your brain is tossing out "helpful" references to Internet memes-  "You only fail if you quit trying!" and your emotional brain is reacting by flipping your thinking brain the big fungoli?

Well that in a nut shell was my day.  I started the day listening to Sia's- The Greatest, as I had decided on the weekend that this would be my theme song for the week..... "Oh oh I got stamina!".  Driving home  tonight  this song came on and my response was "NOT NOW Sia!"  Truly, why was she mocking me.  The greatest at WHAT...... Suckitude!!!!  If that was the case then I was her woman.

It is days like this I wished I lived closer to my parents.  Second year university I was having a hard time of it.  I phoned my parents and with a lot of sobs, hand gestures and cry talking I informed them I was going to quit school.  An hour and a half later there was a knock at my door.

I was puzzled as I was not expecting anyone.  I pushed the mountain of Kleenex off my lap and answered.  It was my parents.  They had come to pick me up.  I was elated... I was going home and everything would be fuzzy and warm and be covered in purple unicorns.

First stop was for ice cream.  Next stop was the Village for some sweet treats.  Then my parents brought me back to campus.  Walked me to my door.  Patted my shoulder and said "See!  Don't you want to stay now??  and they hastily retreated before I could say no.

But guess what.  Their technique was effective.  I didn't quit.  In fact I went on to complete four more years... that's how effective it was.

In the absence of my parents the dogs decided to take a stab at cheering me up tonight.

I'm sure they thought they had nothing to loose.  My brother was first up to bat and informed me I was the chosen one for my nephew's school project.   Sorry Auntie with the Black Dogs, I needed the win today.

Blogging helped a little but I was still prone to leaking from my eyes.  That is when I decided it was time to get outside.  Maybe walking the dogs would blow the stink off of me.  If that didn't work maybe the endorphin release would.

We were trucking down the street at a pretty good pace when a thought struck Ferg..... "What cheers me up?  Hmmmmm smacking Gimli in the face with a toy until he plays!!!!! Sitting on Gimli's head!!!! JOY!!!!!!   Hmmmm.... I don't know if Human will find that fun, but games.... games cheer people up, especially if they are interactive games!"

And folks that is how Hide and Seek the Pooh version was born.  For those who have not had the luxury of playing this particular game it goes a little like this.  Walk down the bare side walk and withhold pooping.  Spot a big pile of leaves and get ready to squat.  Squat and start pooping but remember this is supposed to be hard so start spinning around in a circle while pooping and remember to maximize leaf movement so that they drift down over the poop and hide it better.

Ferg:  "I am doing an amazing job!!!!!  Look at Humans face!  I think I will move over to this larger pile and pretend I am pooping just to keep her searching longer!"

Me:  "What the....   FERGGGGG!"

Ferg:  "Human is definitely pleased.... she is squealing my name in delight.... good dog... good boy... Ferg is awesome."

Gimli:  "???????"  "Ah fudge, no one said I had to come up with a game!!!!!"

Gimli:  "Bingo!..... I mean Twister!"

I don't know how he did it but Gimli managed to get tangled up in the split lead.  He was wrapped up like Houdini.   I was a little slow on the uptake and didn't notice his predicament.  We resumed walking....  Gimli lurking around like a zombie. I looked down to see what the problem was and that's when I realized he was facing backward, Ferg was facing forward and the lead was wrapped around Gimli's legs and middle.   Now the fun of untangling The Dude.  I lifted and pulled and lifted and shifted.  It was worse than when I started.  I tried again and was able to free one of the legs, then the middle and finally the last leg.  I was hot, sweaty but laughing.

I guess Ferg knows best.  Games do cheer people up.  But I still prefer my parents methods.

To a better tomorrow!

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