Saturday, December 6, 2014

Hangry, Hangry, "Hippo"crite

The main goal of the Corporate Fitness Challenge is to eat clean.

What is clean eating?   Great question!
An example of clean eating

Clean eating is no pre-processed foods, no yeasty breads, all multi-grain products, no sugar added, no fruit juice or sport drinks, no alcohol, no cream or added fats other than coconut and olive oil, drink 8 cups of water a day and definitely...... DEFINITELY.... no burgers and onion rings!

Going into this Challenge I knew that earning the daily drink points would be just that... a challenge.   I have come to the conclusion that I have lived most of my years in a chronic state of dehydration.  It is a state my camel like body has become accustom to.  Any "extra" water tips my delicately balanced scales and can plunge me straight into water toxicity-  I get dizzy, I can't feel my teeth, my head feels all floaty, I can loose my vision and sometimes come close to fainting... pretty much I am drunk without even touching an ounce of alcohol.   Knowing this,  my strategic plan was to gain all my Challenge points by following the stringent meal plan and working out when I could (but not in the mornings.... at least on a regular basis).   I boasted to friends and family-  "Sure I can clean eat for six weeks, it won't be hard at all!"  All the while I was planning the smorgasbord of appetizers and sweet treats I would indulge in the moment this challenge was over...... my reward for being a diligent cleaning eating dubbie.

The Challenge started.  I had Week 1 under my belt.  Some sugar cravings, but nothing that looking at what I now refer to as "food porn" couldn't help with.  I had started to gradually build up my bodies tolerance to "excess" water.  Week 2 was complete.   I had not had any added sugar, I was eating the prescribed meals,  and was now drinking 8 glasses of water a day.  Other Challengers tried to tempt me with "healthy cookies" but I stayed strong.  It seemed that from 6 am to 4:30 pm, I was untouchable.

But every night as the sun slowly sank in the west, my inner "hangry beastie" started to awaken and my internal struggles began.    See Hangry, as I now refer to this altered state of self, does not have a lot of patience.  When Hangry appears I go from peckish to freakin' starving.

Hangry want food....  Hangry, want food NOW!!!!!!!!!

I am almost positive that Hangry would not exist if there was a personal chef living at my house.  I could walk in the door and Hangry would be immediately satisfied.  But, alas I do not have a personal chef... all I have is me.  A me that doesn't know when to call it quits and go home.  A me that regularly has difficulty getting groceries for the week.

Since this Challenge began I have had to use the arsenal of strategies, learned on the job to calm  tantruming children, to buy some time from when Hangry first makes herself known and when I will be able to eat.   For two and a half weeks strategies such as planned ignoring, distraction, reasoning, collaborative problem solving, kind words and just plain pleading worked to stave off a full-fledged Hangry attack.  

Sadly last Saturday I reached into my strategy bag and came up empty.  After spending 10 hours in front of a computer, Hangry came out at her Hangriest!  Hangry was in a toddler meltdown of epic proportions-  threatening to do harm to self or others.   Hangry had graduated to a new level of Hangry that has yet to be classified.

I felt helpless.  It was not a battle I was prepared to fight.  I made the executive decision to deek into the A&W drive thru to pick-up a meal fit for a Hangry mind-   Teen Burger and onion rings.

Ahhhhhh the aroma!

Yummmmmmmmm the bacon!

Hangry..... HAPPY!!!!!

The burger eau jus was running down my fingers and chin as I bit into that bad boy. Each morsel was savored and committed to memory, as both my Hangry  and sane self knew this was a one-time only save.  No more burgers for another 3 1/2 weeks.

I took a picture so Hangry has something to look forward to......


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