It’s birthday time again. Time to take stock of what is working, what needs to change and to figure out exactly what I want to happen in this chapter of my life.
Have I mentioned how excited I am about stepping down from a supervisory role? Last year felt very anticlimactic, as I toyed with the idea of steeping down in the Spring. Made the final decision to do so mid-May, with the formal announcement going out to others mid June. However, the actual stepping down was not scheduled to happen until Jan 2025. It has felt like an eternity of waiting, but my patience has finally paid off. It is finally January and I am released from the supervisory chains. Over the next month I will get to discover the actual ramifications of my decision. My best hopes are an improved work/life balance aka less work more life and an infusion of consistent joy, as what I am doing finally fully aligns with my passion.
As posted in “What I Want, What I Really Really Want… On The Road To Joy” I had a ton of productive fails in attaining goals in 2023/24. Reflecting on what worked and what didn’t, I realized that I wrote down my goals on my birthday but then did not re-read the post until just before my next birthday. Iwas able to remember the general gist of what I wanted to accomplish, but totally forgot about the nuances. Learning from my mistakes, I am going to apply my management acquired quality improvement skills to this year’s effort.
What will be different?
1) I’m going to the Gemba. I am incorporating what I want to improve into what I already do. This will increase the likelihood of success.
2) I have only penned absolutes into the calendar. Planning for the possibility of having to modify my plans, I have added all the negotiable tasks to my calendar using sticky notes. That way I have the ability to move things around or eliminate them all together if they prove not to serve the higher purpose of bringing me joy.
3) I have scheduled in quarterly reviews. Dedicated time to review wins and to be faster at identifying when plans are sliding south.
Without further ado here is what I hope to accomplish in this chapter of my life:
Goal #1 Cash
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If anyone had asked me about my finances, prior to looking at new vehicles I would have said I have a comfortable living. I make just enough money to save a little and can afford the basics in life and my day to day lifestyle. It doesn’t hurt that my interests, other than competing in dog shows, are low cost and I abandoned my need to be up on fashion years ago, so my monthly purchases are minimal.
Then I started looking at vehicles in late summer and I realized that in all actuality I am poor… very, very poor. There is no way that I would be able to afford groceries, a vehicle payment and day to day living costs for me and the herd. It was a humbling exercise.
I thought I had a sizeable down payment saved. Unfortunately it was sizable for 2009 vehicle pricing not 2024 vehicle pricing. What was even more unthinkable… used vehicles are not that much cheaper when you factor in deals and financing options for new vehicles.
All this to say, I need to save a lot of money in a short period of time. I also need to make a decision as to what the next vehicle will be. I was leaning toward an SUV, a modern day land yacht to fit me and the 5 dogs; but the snowbank gifts that the City keeps leaving at the end of my driveway this winter and the general state of the roads when there is a huge dump of snow has me rethinking that plan. I have been witness to too many SUV/CUV’s and cars stuck and needing to be pushed out over this last month. That is one thing that I have not had to worry about with the 4X4 on the truck.The other thing that I also need to take into account is my income is dropping starting this month. The one drawback of demoting myself. What will this mean for me? It means I need to be more proactive in grocery shopping, eating breakfast at home and making meals for myself. Yes, Tim Horton’s you better prepare yourself for a decrease in revenue for 2025 as this chick is off the easy breakfast and lunch train!
It will also possibly mean less dog shows this year. This will have a side benefit of meaning less wear and tear on the vehicle. Frankly, as I type this out I am not entirely tied to this decision. I fully enjoy the thrill of competing with the dogs and would hate to miss shows. Let’s park this option for now and revisit it, only if it is really, really needed.
Goal #2- Comfort/Cocooning
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The Captain of Hygge |
Knowing my fantasy of living in my sister’s basement is a pipe dream and there is no way that I can afford to move to a pre-hygged house such as hers, that leaves me with one option… I need to hygge-up my house.
Things I love about my sister’s house are the window and light. Luckily I have a house that also has amazing light and lots of windows. Cleaning the outside of the windows in the spring will most likely help with letting in even more light… BONUS!
I also love that she has minimal tchotchkes and everything has it’s place which means no piles of “I will deal with that latter”. It most likely helped that she moved from another province, so paired down what she was bringing with her prior to moving in. It looks like I need to do some more Marie Kondo’ing this year and I need to start purging what I own, only keeping what I need and that which brings me joy.
Lastly, her house is a new build so everything is done. My house is quickly approaching its century birthday and is an eclectic mixture of finished, in progress and need to do projects. I made a list of everything that I wanted/needed to do to the house a few years ago and quickly put if aside. It was too overwhelming to even contemplate. Therefore the plan this year is to deep clean and purge a room a month and to complete at least one project that needs to be done in that room. Each room has now been assigned a month in my calendar to help keep me on the hygge track.I also plan on hyggeing up the yard. 2025 will be the year I finish the fencing, put in flat patio stones and install backstairs, so that the dogs and I will have easier access to the back yard and can spend more time in nature.
Lastly, I will be adopting my sister’s practice of buying herself weekly flowers. Yes, this flies in the face of saving money, but I can always look for deals and in the summer I can use wild flowers and flowers from the garden. There is something about flowers that makes me smile and brightens my day. So in the immortal words of Miley Cyrus “I Can Buy Myself Flowers” and trust me, I will!
The four projects that I absolutely must finish this year includes:
- Hiring a millwright to make trim for the front entrance and installing said trim once it is done.
- Crack fill the walls going up the stairs and paint.
- Finish the dining room remodel.
- Fencing and patio stones in the backyard
Goal #3- Creativity
I am borrowing my from my goals from 2023/24, as I didn’t do so well at meeting them. The plan is to continue to grow my writing and painting skills over 2025. With this in mind I am committing myself to producing a minimum of 15 posts for 2025. With a few posts for January already in the books that means I only have 11 more to go. The thing I like about blogging is I can also use it as a challenge to create photos to augment the narrative. Double the creativity, double the fun!.
As to painting… As God is my witness I will get New Beginning done in 2025. I also aim to complete 5 more paintings over the course of the year. As trees seem to be mesmerizing me lately, the plan is for the 2025 Collection to be inspired by the Tree of Life- Yggdrasil. I just had a frisson of excitement as I typed that out, so the universe must agree that trees be where it is at for me in 2025.
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Nature’s Work of Art- Windswept trees |
To inspire me to meet this goal, I plan on varnishing my 2023 collection and hanging them up in the house, as a reminder that I some talent at painting , as long as I listen to my inner voice and don’t get hung up on painting the way other people do.
Goal #4- Conditioning
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Ommmm! |
With the ultimate goal of some day hiking WHW, 2025 will be dedicated to improving my overall balance, flexibility, strength and stamina. I will accomplish this through yoga, at home workouts, biking and gradually working up to hiking and dare I say it back-packing.
Success will be measured by:
- Increased Gumby like flexibility.
- Completion of the DRT 12 week program. I have made it up to week 8 X 3 times over the last three years and end up with an injury which puts me back at Week 1 every time. This will be the year that I will make it to the end, as I have banished the word injury from my vocabulary. Hence from this point going forward that word will be know as the “I” word which shall not be named.
- By the end of the bike season I will have completed one of the Red Pine Mountain bike trails. These trails are rated as intermediate to hard and there is also one black diamond trial… which I will be avoiding like the plague.
- I will also like to spend more time hiking with the dogs. Maybe this can be a fantastic end of the day activity, once the snow melts.
- I will also use the Yellowstone spin-offs as carrots to get me on the elliptical more regularly.
Goal #5- Connections
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I can almost smell the campfire! |
I also want to get back to the ‘BA least twice, to spend time with family and the OG’s. Okay, to spend time with people but to also visit Chicken Chef! The side benefit of traveling to Manitoba means I have access to many, many acres to roam, which guarantees I will be outside a ton and it also means the dogs will get at least one bath this year, to wash off the poison ivy residue.
I vow that I will only miss Blah, Blah. Blah Night if I have scheduling conflict. Be prepared Ladies, as there is the potential that I will occasionally be attending with my cranky pants on!
Lastly I will commit to doing something uncharacteristic for me and will invite others to join with me while I hike, bike, etc. My fear of rejection means I tend avoid asking others to join me in my escapades. By going alone I save myself from the possibility of a “No” and the eventual fretting about “Maybe they are mad at me! What did I do?” that quickly follows the rejection.. Well this year I will risk the “no” and if the invitee can make it great! If they can’t, I am secure in the knowledge that I am equally as happy doing things on my own and the reason for the no has nothing to do about me… at least that is what I will tell myself!
Goal #6- Competition
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HELLO…. I had if first! |
Lyndy’s goal this year is to work on a quick settle and improve her focus and engagement with me. 2025 will be a competition free year for her.
Hazel goals are up in the air and will be dependent on when her heat cycle, if she is heavily pregnant or whelping. All I need is for her to be available for 1-2 shows, and she could potentially finish off her RM and RAE titles and earn her CARO Advanced title. I have my fingers crossed everything aligns for this to happen.
Brie- If I can get her to remain settled in a crate while I do things with the other dogs and she can get over her “WHAT THE FUDGE!!!” Reaction to finding out there are people or dogs behind her in and around the ring, we will try for her RN, RI and CRN titles this year.
Well there you have it everyone… my plans in a nutshell for this chapter in my life. It is going to be one jam packed year, but what’s the point of coming up with goals if you are not going to make them big, hairy and audacious!
Love it!!!
ReplyDeleteI’d better start setting goals too!