In November, I put a down payment on a Golden Retriever puppy. The breeder said that if the timing did not work-out for the first litter, my pick would move to the next litter, and so on and so on, until I was finally ready to get an additional dog. My Mom and I have been joking that I have a dog on lay-away.
When I came up with the 365 Daily Challenge I decided I would throw "Get a puppy!" in as one of the challenges. I would let "Jar of Possibilities" determine when I would get the new puppy. All I knew was I would have a dog by the end of 2015.
Yep! Fully prepared to leave it all up to fate. That was until I got home today and found this post on Facebook.
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Picture courtesy of Golden Pride Kennels on Facebook |
Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk! The puppies have arrived and I have not randomly picked the get a puppy card!!!!!!!
Did you see how cute they are... okay it is just their tail ends, but if their tail ends are that cute just imagine what the other end is going to look like..... ADORRRRABBBLE!!!
Desperation set in! What if I don't select "Get a Puppy"????? What if I have to wait a full year???? This just can not be!!!!!
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This is what 137 challenges looks like. |
5 cards picked. No puppy!
Okay best two out of three..... everyone knows you have to do best two out of three!
No cigar!
It took 137 random pulls to find the puppy card.
This challenge is rigged!!!!!!
I am outraged!!!!!!!!
Seriously how could it take that many pulls to end up with "Get a puppy".
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The Elusive Challenge |
Do I throw it back into the pile, mix them up and let fate take it's course?
Do I help fate along by marking it with highlighter making it slightly easier to find?
Or do I give fate the big fungoli and become my master of my own destiny and get one of the puppies from this litter?
I could also say- "Just kidding!" and substitute the puppy challenge with a new challenge.
Oh the options. What to do, what to do??????
I guess I don't have to decide tonight. I'll sleep on it and hopefully my choice will be clear tomorrow.
Your choice is clear. Take the puppy!!!!! Wear your hair differently on Wednesday.