Friday, January 2, 2015

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree.....

When my Mom heard about my plan to create a list of challenges to complete for the year, she wanted in on it.  She started making her own list, but gave up.  See her list was a long laundry list of have to-do's.  The longer the list grew the more overwhelmed she became.  I explained that although have to-do's could be part of the list,  she needed to have some simple, fun and inspiring challenges,  or there was no hope that she would follow through.  She opted to follow my list instead and waits each night for me to draw a challenge for us both to do the next day.

This agreement has confirmed something that my siblings and I have known for a long time... my mom is the "Mother" of control junkies.

Mom- "You should take pictures of the challenges!"
Me-  "I plan to Mom."
Mom- "Each day you need to write down what you did as part of the challenge and a little about what happened."
Me- "Already thought of that Mom!  I plan on blogging about it."
Mom-  "Oh!"

She decided to opt out for Day One-  Make a New Meal.  As I periodically phoned her to keep her abreast of my progress, she commented that she was glad she decided to skip it.  Completing hte new meal challenge would mean she would be in the kitchen all day and that was NOT how she wanted to spend her day.

Yesterday afternoon I drew out the challenge for Day 2-  See how far you can stretch $20.

Mom- "What?  $20 is not that much!"
Me-  "That is kinda the point... you know to challenge yourself."
Mom- "Still you can't get a lot with $20."

Mom- "Remember to write down what you bought with your $20!!!!"

It is now Day 2 and I am proud to say that I have not spent my $20.  I wanted to, but knowing I am accountable for documenting what I did with the $20 I looked at would-be purchases differently today.  There are things that I need to get but they all cost more than $20.  So I am holding off until I can come up with a plan to maximize what I did buy with the $20.  Let's see how long I can go!

More interesting will be what my Mom does with her $20.

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