From the moment Gimli entered the picture adoration has fallen at his paws. He received Christmas presents from strangers and every human that passed our house sang the following phrase- "How cuuuuuuttttte!" for months. Gimli refused to let an opportunity for the public to praise his handsomeness go by. If "Jo Blow Public" did not comment on his "cuteness" immediately, Gimli follow them and ham it up until they shower him with attention and accolades. This is how he grew up and what he has become accustom to. Really who could resist this little face.... I know I couldn't.
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Baby Gimli |
Well that can be expected when you are a little puppy and during the goofball teen years...... ohh those teen years!
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Rocking the frosty beard |
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The Defender of the Inukshuk |
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Demo of the prancy pants strut |
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A dignified black and white |
I would like to say that only my dog has that power but that would be false. Over the last 11 years I have noticed something. Pretty much everyone loves a Golden and when possible they seek to make a connection with them... going out of their way to come over and pet them; shouting compliments across streets and out of car windows or stopping their car so they can get out and steal some Golden love. Other dogs don't seem to garner the same type of attention. You walk down the street and a Bull Mastiff is coming directly toward you... most people will cross the street. My sister is forever commenting on how parents will pull their children in close when she passes them with her Labs. Got a Shepard... be prepared for people to be on guard when passing you.
What is it about Golden's that make people forgive pretty much anything that they do....
Jumping all over people; showering them with kisses.... the response....
"Ohh those Goldens!"
Stealing food and stuffed animals from small children......
"Ohhh how cute.... I just love Golden's. They are such people dogs. Oh don't cry honey... the Golden just wants to play with your toy. You need to learn how to share!!!!"
Golden's seem to have been blessed with the proverbial get out jail free card.
It was not too long ago, I took the boys to the park behind the house. I broke trail for them with snow shoes. After 45 minutes of fun in the snow we were headed in. I was bending down to take off my snow shoes when the boys decided on mutiny. A woman was walking by the house and they wanted to say "Hi!". One hamstrung me, tipping me over on my a$$ while the other charged toward the woman and started jumping all over her. I was yelling at them while floundering into an upright position. The woman- who you would think would be mortified.... was mortified..... but at me. How could I yell at such precious creatures???? Everything was okay.... they were just coming over to say "Hello!". Somehow I don't think her response would have been the same if the boys were pit bulls running over to say a friendly hello.
It goes one step further..... Gimli has peed on, not one, but two people in his life time and he was full grown when this happened. Both times he dragged me over to hold court with his adoring public. The only problem was he had not peed yet. Well there is something about "pets" that seems to relax the bladder and he peed... and peed. Instead of being mad, which would be a typical response, both people reacted like they had just been anointed by a higher power. "Ohhh, he must really like me.... he is trying to mark me as his territory!" "Ha ha ha!!!!!! He knew my feet were cold!"
Seriously!!!!!! I am not making this shit up! Golden's could rule the world if they so choose!
The 11th year seems to have marked Gimli's transition from "forever puppy" into wizened sage dog. A dog that was always go, go, go is more of a go once, twice.... hmmm I think I will skip the third time. This year has also marked a dramatic change in his zoom, zoom. He used to be uber fast and could make it down the length of the park in less than a minute. I remember someone once asking me "What type of dog is that.... he's fast?" The man was shocked when I said Golden... he thought Gim was a greyhound or other type of race dog as he had never seen a dog move so fast. Gimli used to set the pace of our walks and the pace was fast. Now days he starts off strong, but it is not long before he is lagging 5-6 paces behind me.
When I was home my mother commented that Gimli was getting "old person" fur... the wispy does whatever it wants to- type of fur. It's true he is more sliver fox these days than Golden and I can spend 30 minutes brushing him and in the end it looks like I haven't even touch him, which is contrary to the evidence piled up on the floor around him.
But here is the amazing thing..... even with all the recent changes in his speed and looks he still has a certain je ne se croix about him. The other day we were out for a walk when a teen pops his head out of a car window and starts taking pictures of Gimli while screaming "I loooooooooveeeee your dog!". Later in the week, while walking down a dark side street I hear this deep male voice emanating from a house- "You have a beautiful dog!" Sure it was high on the heebee jee bee factor, but I must admit it did make my heart swell with pride.
Even funnier was my Mom's response when I told her about the two occurrences.....
Mom: "Well Ferg is a nice looking dog!"
Me: "But it wasn't Ferg it was Gimli."
Mom: "Are you sure it wasn't Ferg?"
Me: "100% positive."
Mom: "Hmmmm.... Gimli? Gimli????? Well good for him".
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Goofball Gimli!!!!! |
Ferg takes after me and puts the "C" in competitiveness. I think it has thrown him for a loop having Gimli steal his thunder. His response- he's been bringing his "A" Game to our daily walks.... prancing up a storm and fishing for compliments of his own. He is also well practiced at amping up the cute factor. He learned from the best..... Gimli!
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Baby Fergus |
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Rub my belly... a fan Ferg fav! |
I didn't do it! |
Whatever he is doing it is working. The other day we were walking down a busy street when a man stopped his truck in the middle of the road and rolled down his window to comment on what a gorgeous Golden he is. Later, on the same walk, we met a man with a shepherd pup who also commented on what a good looking dog I had.
Ferg knows he is handsome and he uses his looks to his advantage. My favourite thing to watch from the safety of the house is his "Ferg Trap". Ferg goes out on a tie-out rope, as I don't have a fenced yard. He loves the outdoors and often will refuse to come back in. Why would he want to come in when he can "trap" unsuspecting people. People pass and Ferg serenely lays on the ground or sits nicely on the edge of the lawn. People think- "Ohh look at that well behaved Golden! I must go and say "Hi!"". Unbeknownst to them, it is all a ploy to lure them into the strike zone. As soon as his victim enters the inner circle of the tie out zone Ferg unleashes his inner maniac and jumps and zooms around to the right to the left, now he is launching himself in the air. The people are frozen..... "What the in h.... e.. double hockey sticks is happening???????" "Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Make it stop!!!!!!" They want to move ,but Ferg is too fast and blocks their retreat. Now you would think they would only be fooled once right!
The same people try over and over again and get the same kamikaze results.
Ferg has one bad habit.... okay he has multiple bad habits but the one that really irritates me is his jumping. He has been through two rounds of dog training and for the most part now knows that "jumping" on people is frowned upon. So now he sits and then slowly climbs up people to give them "kisses". It is hard not to laugh at him while he is doing it, as he has this look of "Ahhh I am getting away with it.... they haven't noticed I'm getting taller.... ohhh I am close to their face!!!!" SLURP... yes enter bad habit number two.... licking!
All the hours and hours of training have not fully cured him. He will be great and then WHAM!!!!! He is catapulting himself at unsuspecting people in the park. I wonder if he thinks he is "Baby" from Dirty Dancing as he usually is running at full tilt before he launches up in the air with a look of "Catch me!!!!" on his smiling face.
I am usually yelling "FERRRRRRGGGGG! OFF!!!!!" but it is usually too late. What do the people do????
We get comments like-
"Ha ha ha... his is a bull of a dog isn't he!"
"He really loves people doesn't he!!!"
I hang my head in shame, clip the leash onto his collar and lead him away.... muttering under my breath that he has lost off leash privileges.... yet again.
A Collection of Turkey Town's finer moments
THE DUDES- Double Teaming
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A double double of cuteness! |
I can't leave you thinking my dudes are handsome. There are times when they take on a Gladiator vs Alien persona.
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Clash of the Titans |
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