What am I supposed to be doing?
Doom...... DOOOm..... DOOOOOOOOMMMMMM! (ominous music playing in the background) |
I am supposed to be opening the black briefcase of doom and writing reports; so I am all caught up before I take my month's vay-cay.
It has always been this way. My desire to run increases 200 fold when I have an injury that side-lines me from running. My need for an uber clean house is magnified if I have to study for a test. You could always tell when it was exam time in university... my dorm room or apartment was super neat, organized and you could frankly eat off the floor it was so sterile. I long to visit home but when I have to leave to travel there I want to stay where I live now. The list goes on and on.
So I have had to resort to making a deal with myself..... finish this posting and do one more and then it is straight to the black box to write reports. I am sure I will give myself some time off for good behaviour so who knows... if I am not all computered out, there may be another post tonight.
Hmm, but maybe I should be posting my catch-up posts in the Photo Challenge blog I am a part of?
Ahhhhhhh another paradox!
Oops! I was supposed to be proof-reading and finalizing this post but got side tracked looking up the definition for paradox..... now I am confused..... maybe too confused to write reports. I am also querying if the above is truly a paradox. I might be unwittingly misrepresenting paradoxes.
Must solve the paradox mystery before I can accomplish anything else. Off to do some more Googling!
PS- Can someone please explain to me why I have such a hard time spelling the word oops. It is only 4 letters for crying out loud and everytime I type it, I type opps! One day maybe I will be able to spell it right on the first try.
PPS- Paradox solved- Productive procrastination!!!!! I will be able to sleep tonight knowing that I will not be sued by a paradox for inaccurate representation.
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