Dear Friend:
As I stood in the living room looking around I realized what I should be doing is cleaning the house, but you know me, I never want to do what I should be doing and strive to find a replacement activity to justify why I'm not doing the "should". It didn't take long for me to come up with an alternative plan- writing a letter to you.
Bill getting hygge with it! |
taking down the lights and decorations and returning to the same ole' same ole'. That, added to the dark mornings and early evenings always makes me want to disappear into my room with a blankie, jammies, book and a hot toddy and not reappear until the summer. The cold snap has not helped, as it has dampened the length of time that I can spend outside with the horses before frozen fingers and toes drive me back to the comfort of my heated vehicle.
How has your return to work gone? Mine wasn't as bad as I thought, but I still would not turn down a chance to switch to a one-three day work week. Sadly, my lotto numbers are not panning out, so I must cling to the little joys to get me through the week, like getting to see my marvellous co-workers and celebrating the small victories (mine and others). I don't think I will ever not get excitement goose bumps when a child is finally able to independently tie their shoelaces. Such a win!
Hello toes... my ole' friends! |
Oaks in front of the aspirational wall! |
The horse and hound time is also going well. Oaks is enrolled in basic obedience and rally and Ferg is in advanced obedience (kinda the equivalent to Grade 12 obedience training). Oaks is doing well in obedience and has his moments in Rally. He really needs to learn where his body is in space as he tends to get excited and knock over the signs with his tail. Ferg is rusty as my focus this fall has been on training Oaks. This week I learned that Ferg does not listen/comply well if he is thirsty or if he needs to use the facilities. He also has lost his sit/stay and down/stay super powers. He is the first up and needs me close in order to maintain any semblance of a stay. You can guess what we will be practicing over the next week.
All the dog training and the early evenings means less horse time during the week, but I manage to carve out time on Friday's after work and the weekend to go and hang-out at the barn. Yesterday was a day of victory at the barn. Sola has pretty much tried to avoid me since I started leasing her. Initially she would run away as soon as I entered the paddock. Over time, she started to let me get close but as soon as she sees the halter or the lead rope she peels on out of there. I've been watching Warwick Schiller YouTube video's to get tips on building rapport, connection and attunement and then I try out the techniques on Sola each time I go to the barn. Funny enough a lot of what Warwick educates on is also applicable for work... I love when learning is multiple purposed!
Well last night we had a break through. Sola not only stretched out to get closer to me when I entered the paddock. She let me get up close to pet her and she followed me for a short distance when I went to go and see Ingrid. My heart was singing but I had to keep my cool so that I didn't overwhelm her and set are rapport building back a step or two. The hope is by Spring she will appreciate me as much as I appreciate her.... fingers crossed.
Sola and her BFF- Torrie "Of the Most Excellent Side Eye" |
Ingrid continues to bring me joy. She runs over as soon as she hears my voice and follows me around. She has a hard time being patient and waiting for my attention when I am working with Sola, but we are getting there. Ingrid continues to be curious and is always trying to figure out what it going on with the other horses. She is also full of hi-jinx. I received a text yesterday saying she managed to figure out how to get out of the paddock. It remains a mystery as to how Houdini managed to do it, as all the gates were closed, some even double locked and the fences were intact. Luckily she is smart enough to keep her exploring close to the barn and the paddock.
Are you awake yet Moon!!!! |
You are probably wondering about Whisper... she has been taking it slow as she is due next week. I was having some moments of worry and ended up going down a Google rabbit hole when I couldn't feel any babies moving at 6 weeks. I was starting to think she was experiencing a false pregnancy. Well Monday morning I finally got my confirmation that there are indeed puppies in her belly. I could spend hours cradling her belly just for the occasional head butt or kick from one of the puppies, It is such a thrill and elicits immediate giggles from me every time it happens. We have one more night together until she returns to give birth. She is laying on the floor beside me with her protruding Buddha belly tempting me into finishing this letter off pronto. Be expecting lots of puppy news and pictures in the not so distant future.
How many puppies do you think are in there? |
The blogging has gone better than I predicted. Including this post I am at 8 posts so far this year. Only 42 left to go. I am finding I am enjoying the time at the computer creating content. When I made this goal I was wondering if I would be able to convince myself to return to sitting in-front of another screen considering Covid has turned my job into a 8-10 hour screen/sitfest. I have been pleasantly surprised that my body isn't protesting... it must be all the yoga and renewed limberness. I also have come up with a side project that I am working on that also involves sitting at the computer..... I attempting to write a book. My nephew continually teases me that I am the Boring Auntie. So I have decided to embrace the boring and write him story about how boring I really am. The plan is to write a chapter a month with the hope that "The Incredibly Mundane Boring Auntie" is ready to give him as a Christmas present. I've been working on it a little each week but now looking at the calendar I realize I better chop, chop with the writing, as I have a week left to meet the first self-imposed deadline.
As to the dining room glow-up project..... it has been on the periphery of my consciousness but I haven't taken steps to do anything toward finishing it, other than making a list. I love the feeling of accomplishment I get every time I see and use the office. Fingers crossed this feeling will give me the boost I need to continue the work in the dining room. My goal is to at least get some plaster on the walls this weekend.
Well that is what has been happening around here. I miss you loads and wish you health. Catch-up with you soon.